International Law: which one is applicable?


Pim van Zwijndregt


Roman Zemtsovskiy


Roxanne van der Burgt


Suzanne van Loon


Vivienne Pöllmann


Sander Bierens
Lawyer & CEO


Alexandru Buzamet


Antonio Illán Box


Daniel Madrawski


Inge Muller

Are you in conflict or do you have a dispute with an international business partner? Wondering what your rights are in this situation? Is it possible to start a procedure in your home country, or should you go to a court abroad? And which law applies to your dispute? This can make a big difference when assessing a legal conflict. Our international lawyers are happy to answer these questions and ensure that your dispute is resolved as quickly as possible.

Applicable law and competent judge in international conflicts

In each country, a different legal system, with different rules and laws to your own, applies. When there is a cross-border dispute, it must first be determined in which law the dispute will be assessed. Sometimes agreements have been made about the applicable law in the contract, but if this is not the case, it must first be determined which law applies.

This also applies to the competent judge, as not every judge is competent to judge the conflict. Our specialists in the field of private international law can help you when you are confronted with an international conflict. This prevents you from starting legal proceedings with a judge who is not authorised to do so, saving you valuable time and money.

Proceeding abroad

In general, we try to resolve most conflicts without the intervention of a judge. Sometimes however, going to court is necessary. For example, because the other party is taking legal action against you. In this case our lawyers can also assist you. We ensure that you are legally strong in court. Once the judge has made a statement about the dispute, we can then ensure that your judgment is also executed successfully abroad, and you get what you are entitled to.

What can we help you with?

  • Advice on the competent judge in international conflicts;
  • Advice on applicable law in international conflicts;
  • Legal assistance in disputes with foreign trading partners;
  • The successful execution of judgments abroad.

Specialists in solving business conflicts

We have a team of more than 35 international lawyers specialising in solving business conflicts for our national and international clients. However, complex your conflict is, they ensure that your conflict is resolved quickly and efficiently.

Advice from a specialised lawyer

Do you have a question about resolving an international business conflict? Or would you like more information about our services? Contact us today. Our international lawyers are happy to help you.

Meet your specialist(s)

How can we help you?


If your company is experiencing legal difficulties, if you have an international dispute, if you need help drafting or reviewing contracts or you simply have a legal enquiry and don't know who to turn to, get in touch with us today.

Our international team of specialist lawyers can help. We can alleviate your concerns, protect your business and work with you to resolve cases as quickly as possible.






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